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One of the most important things we can do is get the Word of God into the hands of people. 85% of the world has never owned their own Bible in their heart language. Pastors in many countries do not even have a complete Bible. At Cattle for Christ, making Bibles available to Pastors and the people in their heart language is one of our top priorities because it is one of the greatest needs. Missionaries cannot meet every need or teach every person, but we can trust the Holy Spirit to speak to people through God's Word even when they are all alone--just them and their Bible!




80% of the world either do not or cannot read!! A printed Bible, though they may want them, do not do them any good. With millions of new refugees every year in the Middle East and in Africa who cannot receive an education, this percentage will only grow in years to come. Printed Bibles also do not hold up in the living conditions of most people around the world.




The CFC TRAILBLAZER Solar Powered Audio Bibles. The players are small, rugged, proven, and dependable and can hold 700-1600 hours of tamper proof audio. We currently have over 18,000 messages in over 4,700 different languages and dialects in the MV library and the list is growing every month. The full audio Bible is only about 77 hours long, so the memory is large enough to include many other evangelistic and discipleship audios, Bible studies, worship music, as well as other messages about health issues and other humanitarian needs. These blank players if shipped or hand carried into closed countries can usually get through customs. Depending on the quantities shipped or carried in, Cattle for Christ can go and program the players with the desired audios after they are safely in country. We have gotten hundreds of the CFC TRAILBLAZER audio Bibles into over 25 countries in the last two years, many of them in countries where we could not ship, carry, or purchase printed Bibles.


Click here to learn more about the CFC TRAILBLAZER line of solar powered audio Bibles.





Cattle for Christ has provided literally tens of thousands of Bibles to those who otherwise would not have one. We have purchased and helped to distribute Bibles throughout many Latin American Countries, as well as China, Nepal, India, Vietnam, Ethiopia, Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, Haiti and other places in Africa and the Middle East--but still most of the world does not have access to God's Word. The CFC TRAILBLAZER line of solar powered audio Bibles can help us reach at least 80% more people than we can with the printed Word because 200 or more people can listen to the Word of God on one player--or in places where security is more of an issue, individuals can listen privately using earbuds without anyone knowing it and the players can be passed around since they are small, lightweight and easily concealable.


I listened to an Ethiopian brother whose wife is Sudanese. Together they serve to share the Gospel in Sudan where they have both been severely persecuted. The brother was in the Ethiopian Navy (yes they have one--the ships are based in Saudi Arabia). He was alone on his ship cleaning the radio equipment in the control room. As he reached around the back of the equipment he found a small Bible which had been hidden there previously by someone else who knew they could not be caught with one. Being an avid reader, he tucked the Bible away and read it from cover to cover whenever he could steal time alone. On another day, a Sunday morning at port, he thought all this shipmates were off the boat for R&R when all of a sudden one of his buddies asked him why he too wasn't off the ship doing what all of the other sailors were doing. He tried to quickly hide his Bible, and just replied that he wanted to stay aboard and do some reading. As it turned out, that fellow sailor was a secret Christian and invited him to attend a secret Christian worship service with him in the local town. He at first refused, but then relented. At the worship service, he heard the preacher preaching the same Good News of Jesus Christ that he had been reading about. He knew that God had been speaking to Him through the Bible and calling him to put his faith in Him--so he did. He and his wife have been evangelists and missionaries in war torn Sudan and Ethiopia ever since! When the man found and read his Bible, the Holy Spirit did His work. How many more could be reached if they found an audio Bible, especially when you consider the fact that most people around the world cannot read.


In 2012 Larry Cochran, I and a few other Peruvians were in a prison in Peru. We had a very difficult time getting approval to go in and share the Gospel with the inmates, but God worked it out. After seeing 26 hard core inmates come forward in front of all their peers and publicly profess their faith in Christ and praying for reconciliation with their own families, their victims and with God, we met with an inmate who had assumed the role as the Cell Block Chaplain. He had been in prison for 11 years and had come to the Lord while in prison. When we asked him how we could best help him, he said we need 200 Bibles. He didn't ask for anything but God's Word to put into the hands of the criminals. He too knew that the Word of God could change the hearts of the men if they could only hear and read it for themselves. Glenn's church gave him some money for the trip to Peru just in case something came up. As it turned out, the amount just happened to be just what was needed to purchase the Bibles! I wonder how many more inmates we could have reached if the CFC TRAILBLAZERS had existed then. Hundreds of inmates could have sat around one player and listened to the Word of God so a few players could reach the entire prison, not just one cell corridor.


Taking or shipping Bibles with us on airlines and getting through customs has become too expensive and too difficult in many places. We still have to do some of this, but now we try to find ways to buy Bibles locally. We have spent thousands of dollars buying printed Bibles, and would buy thousands more if we had the money, but one CFC TRAILBLAZER Solar Powered Audio Bibles can replace hundreds of printed Bibles. For years we helped fund underground printing presses in China and India, but have found that our partnerships with the International Bible Society and Seedline International makes that work of printed Bibles more manageable and efficient. Seedline International ships conex container loads of Bibles, New Testaments, Scripture portions (John and Romans), and Gospel tracts to missionaries in countries where Christian materials are allowed and are greatly needed, but even then there is still the problem of illiteracy and vision issues. Another problem is that there are growing numbers of countries with billions of people, who will not allow shipments of Bibles to clear customs--instead they are being burned at the ports.


**Purchasing Bibles (audio or printed) in memory of or to honor someone's life is a good way to really make a difference in the Kingdom of God and let people know how much you love them. Instead of buying flowers that will be dead in a couple of days, you can plant the Word of God that will live and honor your loved one forever. Purchasing solar powered audio Bibles in honor of someone also makes great Christmas and birthday gifts. You can send them a note that you purchased X number of CFC TRAILBLAZER Solar Powered Audio Bibles in their honor and we will also send them an official notification of your gift. This also makes your gifts and memorials income tax deductible.





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